SharePoint 2013 - Get Personal Site News Feed Thread ID From Search Results
I’m trying to build an App
that allows a group of people to get reports on my site news feed for any
inappropriate words.
This post,,
get me started by using the search client API.
However, I soon realized that
the way to compile Thread ID is different for site news feed and personal site
news feed. Typical personal site news
feed thread ID would look like below (from HTML source of personal site news
feed page):
It’s in this format
[ActorId].[RootPostUniqueID].[RootPostID].[ListItemID].[SID] The first 5 parts are the actor ID (I can’t
figure out exactly what’s used to build this Actor ID. The last part of the Actor ID seems to be PartitionId
from the search result.
In the post above, it says to
to generate the Thread
ID. But the RootPostOwnerID for the
personal news feed is the users’ ID (i.e. domain\account). So, it is obviously not going to work.
After some investigate, I
figured out that it should be something like this (but not exactly as I’ll
explain more details later).
- root post
– reply
[SPS-FeedIdentifier] and
[SID] are properties for user profile. So
basically, you’ll have to use RootPostOwnerID value (domain\account) from the
search result and get the UserProfile object and then get SPS-FeedIdentifier
String ActorID = result["RootPostOwnerID"].ToString();
if (ActorID.Contains('\\'))
peopleManager = new PeopleManager(clientContext);
personProperties = peopleManager.GetPropertiesFor(ActorID);
p => p.AccountName, p => p.UserProfileProperties);
SPSFeedIdentifier = personProperties.UserProfileProperties["SPS-FeedIdentifier"];
SID = personProperties.UserProfileProperties["SID"];
The SPS-FeedIdentifier will
have value looks like
and you can parse out the
part after ‘;’ to get the actor ID.
If things would be this
simple, then it wouldn’t be developing for SharePoint and wouldn’t be fun. The series of string that you got from
SPS-FeedIdentifier is closed but not exactly the Actor ID.
The fourth part of the string
has to be replace by UserProfile_GUID property value (need to remove the ‘-‘ in
the guid).
Break down the series string
from SPS-FeedIdentifier, you’ll get
bb0a7a13256f4b41b29c2477aab81590. (need to be replace with UserProfile_GUID but
without '-')
(this is the PartitionId)
Once you replace the fourth
part with UserProfile_GUID (let’s call it UpdatedIdentifier), the Thread ID
format becomes
- root post
– reply
This is the Thread ID you can
use with SocialFeedManager to get the full thread.
We had exactly the same problem in our SharePoint environment and it would be very hard to find this trick out for myself.