SharePoint 2013 - Working with Display Template for Content Search Web Part

To create a custom display template, the best approach is to copy an existing one from Out-Of-Box display templates.  You can try each one and find the one that is closest to what you want to do.

All the display templates are in the master page gallery.  To access it, Site Settings -> Master pages and page layouts -> Display Templates

The Content Web Parts folder contains the display templates for content search web part and Search folder contains the display templates for the search results web parts.

The easiest way to take a look at the display templates is to open the list in windows explorer.  On the ribbon, click on Open with Explorer option.
You'll see a lot of html and js files in Content Web Parts folder.  The HTML files are the ones that you'll need to take a look.  The .js files are auto-generated when you add a new HTML file or update an existing one.

For every content search web part, you usually have to specify two display template, Control and Item

So, chances are you'll be creating two display templates for your requirements Control_XXX.HTML and Item_XXX.HTML).  You can open existing SharePoint display templates and take a look.  The Control_ template is only called once for the web part and Item_ template is what will be use to display each item.  i.e. most likely your
    tag will be in Control_ template and
  • tag will be in Item_ template.

Every display template, you'll probably have to update a few places:

  • Define your managed properties
: this is where you need to specify all the managed properties that you want to use in your display template.
  • Get the managed property value for the current item
Once you defined your managed properties to use, you'll need to get the value from the current. For an example, you have a location managed property defined ('Location':'Location').  To get the value for the current item, you can do

var location = $getItemValue(ctx, "Location");
  • Use your managed property values (display on the page)
You just need to place _#= location =#_ at where your want the value to show.

Display template (HTML) will be turned into Javascript (.js) file.  So, you can do a lot of client stuffs with it.  I'm not a client side developer, so I have some difficulties with crazy client logic ... but I'm sure you can figure something out there.

Here are some things that I find useful for future reference:

  • To display a formated date

var startDate = new Date($getItemValue(ctx, "Start Date"));
_#= startDate.format("MM/dd/yyyy") =#_

  • To encode current URL


  • Check for invalid date

isNaN( startDate.getTime()

  • Display RichText field value

var desc = $getItemValue(ctx, "Description");
_#= STSHtmlDecode(desc.value) =#_


Patrick said…
Great info, thanks!

While working with dates I frequently use something similar to
var startDate = new Date($getItemValue(ctx, "Start Date"));
However, I've never been able to get hours, minutes & seconds from my date/time columns.
In my case, my JS Variable "startDate" does not contain any information about Hours, Minutes or Seconds (it only preserves day, date, month & year).
Have you worked with hours minutes & seconds with Date fields?

Thanks again for posting this article!
espanhol said…
Great article!

Can you access the item's managed properties from within the Control Display Template? If so, do you know how? Thanks
Richard said…
I'm not sure but I don't think so. It doesn't make much sense to access item managed properties in the Control Display Template because you would know which item. In general, you'll have multiple items showing within the same control display (via the item display template).

If you're only display one item from the results, you can just do everything in the item display template.
Unknown said…
Can't seem to make this work in my Display Template. I'm trying to display a table from a rich text item in a list.
Tom Cowling said…
For anyone wondering about Patrick's question (from waaaay back in 2013!), this blog post exaplains how to get the hours and minutes out of your date field really clearly.

You need to use ctx.CurrentItem.DateField rather than $getItemValue(ctx, DateField).

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