MOSS Workflow History Association

Based on a lot of the blog sites, SharePoint 2007 (MOSS) has a timer job that will purge the workflow history association with the work item after 60 days. For most of the users, this is not a good thing because our their audit depends on it. I have read a few solutions that can work around this issue.

  1. Use a custom list for audit and do not depend on the workflow hisory. Based on Microsoft, workflow history is not intended for audit purposes. You should probably always create a separate audit log. You can write code to log your workflow history or events to a separate list. Try to use folder structure (i.e. year, month, workflow ID, etc...) so that you don't have more than 2000 items in a view/folder.
  2. Write code to change the default days from 60 to whatever your requirement is. There is a sample code that was posted on one of the comments in this post( I have copied and pasted here for your quick reference.

Code Snippet
* Date: September 17, 2007
* Program Description:
* ====================

* This program is a workaround for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

* bug #19849, where the AutoCleanupDays is set to 60 by default and by design

* in MOSS installations. This program gives the customer the oppotunity to

* change this number.

* Workflow histories would not show after 60 days by default.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;

using Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow;

namespace ShowWFs


class Program


static string siteName;

static int newCleanupDays, assoCounter;

static string libraryName, wfAssoName;

static SPSite wfSite;

static SPWeb wfWeb;

static SPList wfList;

static void Main(string[] args)




switch (args.Length)


case 0: //no parameters entered by user


System.Console.WriteLine("Error: No arguments entered (site, library, workflow and days)");




case 4: //correct number of parameters


siteName = args[0];

libraryName = args[1];

wfAssoName = args[2];

newCleanupDays = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);

assoCounter = 0;

wfSite = new SPSite(siteName);

wfWeb = wfSite.OpenWeb();

wfList = wfWeb.Lists[libraryName];

SPWorkflowAssociation _wfAssociation = null;

foreach (SPWorkflowAssociation a in wfList.WorkflowAssociations)


if (a.Name == wfAssoName)


a.AutoCleanupDays = newCleanupDays;

_wfAssociation = a;





_wfAssociation = a;




System.Console.WriteLine("\n" + wfAssoName + ": " + assoCounter.ToString() + " workflow association(s) changed successfuly!\n");



default: //default number of parameters


System.Console.WriteLine("Incorrect number of arguments entered (" + args.Length.ToString() + " arguments)");






catch (Exception e)


System.Console.WriteLine("An error has occurred. Details:\n" + e.ToString());




if (wfSite != null)


if (wfWeb != null)


System.Console.WriteLine("\nFinished setting AutoCleanupDays!");



static void showHelpUsage() //help screen


System.Console.WriteLine("\n\nMOSS Workflow Set AutoCleanup Usage:");


System.Console.WriteLine("ShowWFs siteURL library workflow days");

System.Console.WriteLine(" - siteURL (e.g. http://serverURL/site)");

System.Console.WriteLine(" - library (e.g. \"Shared Documents\")");

System.Console.WriteLine(" - workflow (e.g. \"Approval\")");

System.Console.WriteLine(" - days for auto clean up (e.g. 120)");





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